
At TUCAN Centro Veterinary Center in Fuengirola we offer you the best financing alternatives so that your pet always receives the best veterinary care.


The best financing in the best conditions

At TUCAN Veterinary Center we are committed to the health and welfare of your pet. That is why we offer you the best financing possibilities with which to get your pets to enjoy the best veterinary protection care.

Thanks to our collaboration agreement with Frakmenta, a financing company that allows you to defer payment of our center’s veterinary products and services for between € 59 and € 1000. Split your payments up to 12 months without payroll or paperwork or tedious paperwork. Thanks to our financing service you will be able to know the exact cost per month, the lack, the number of installments, being sent the complete information to your mobile via SMS.

Frakmenta is the safe, fast and convenient system with which you can make the fractional payment at TUCAN Veterinary Center in Fuengirola.


How does it work?

Frakmenta charges a small amount for transactions made through its platform.

Said financial commission is a single commission that is calculated by multiplying the cost established by the number of installments and charged together with the amount of the first installment.

The maximum commission that may be applied based on the amount to be financed and the number of selected installments is set out in the following table.


How does it work?


Veterinary Services

In TUCAN Veterinary Center we offer you the best veterinary services to guarantee your pet’s welfare, when prevention has not been enough.

12 years of experience and more than 1000 patients attended support our veterinary work, and we still continue to maintain the same illusion as the first day.

Pet food

We have the best range of food recommended by veterinarians to ensure that your pet receives the nutritional and energy contribution it needs for its proper development and well-being.

General Surgery

In TUCAN Veterinary Center we perform from common surgeries such as sterilizations to more relevant interventions, referring to the best reference centers when necessary.

Inhalational anesthetic

We have the best anesthetic equipment with which to ensure that your pet is pain-free during surgical interventions and always with maximum safety.

Advanced monitoring

Your pet will always be controlled thanks to our advanced monitoring equipment which allow us to monitor their health status in real time.

Image Diagnosis

The best technical equipment for quick and accurate diagnosis of your pet's health status.


Our desparasitation service will ensure that your pet is free of all types of parasites and more protected against ectoparasites, as these represent a danger to the whole family.

Veterinary consultations

We are an experienced and highly qualified team qualification that are committed to continuous training to offer your pet the best veterinary care.

Dog and cat grooming

We offer the best canine and feline grooming service in Fuengirola so that your pet looks the best while enjoying a pleasant and relaxing visit.


We offer you the best financing possibilities so that your pet is always protected and covered by the best veterinary care and protection of Fuengirola.

Oral health

We perform oral exams and reviews, offering the best treatment so that your animal can enjoy healthy and strong teeth during its life.

Internal Medicine

In TUCAN Veterinary Center we offer complete veterinary medicine services against diseases that affect the internal organs of your pet.


A sterilized pet is a healthier pet with a better quality of life. We advise you on when it is better to sterilize your pet and perform the intervention with maximum guarantees.

Clinical analysis

We have the best equipment for rapid clinical analysis in order to quickly determine the health status of your pet.


Do you want to work with animals?

If you are an animal lover and you are interested in the world of veterinary medicine, you are lucky, because AEVE, the Spanish Veterinary Business Association, has developed a training degree of Veterinary Assistant.


(+34) 952 66 78 95


C/ Isla Gomera Edf. Iberosur, local 26. Fuengirola



Opening hours

Monday-Friday: 10am - 17pm
Saturday: CLOSED


Get in touch, we will be happy to assist you.